Hard Red Spring Wheat
AAC Wheatland VB
- Semi dwarf CWRS
- Excellent grain yield
- High protein and excellent straw strength
- Wheat Midge tolerant
AAC Brandon
- Awned semi dwarf
- High yield potential, suited to intensive management
- Improved disease resistance, including MR to FHB
AAC Redstar (NEW 2023)
- Very early (3 days earlier than checks)
- Good grade retention, MR to FHB
- Improved Lodging resistance and yield vs Parata
AAC Viewfield
- Short, strong straw. Superior standability
- Strong disease resistance package
- High yield potential
- Potential replacement for Muchmore
AAC Hodge VB (NEW 2023)
- Awned wheat, highest yielding CWRS currently registered
- Good standability and very strong disease resistance package
- Wheat midge tolerant, refuge is AAC Hockley
- Good standability, a day earlier maturity than the checks
AAC Hockley (NEW 2023)
- Awned Wheat, short strong straw
- Excellent Yield Potential
- Very strong disease resistance package
- Good protein and grade retention
- Easy threshing
Canada Prairie Spring Wheat
CS Accelerate
- Very High Yield Potential
- Excellent Standability
- Early Maturity
- Short, Strong straw – Well Suited for High Inputs and Irrigation
- Excellent All-Around Rust Resistance
AAC Penhold
- Excellent disease package
- Strong straw
- Higher protein and quality than Foremost
Hard Red Winter Wheat
AAC Wildfire
- Short strong straw
- Good winter survival
- Excellent lodging resistance